by Carly Hayward

Guess what authors?! I have good news! There is a new Twitter Pitch event run by a fabulous group of editors.

Unfortunately, it all started with some bad news. #P2P17 was postponed due to internal issues. All the editors that had planned on joining #P2P17 suddenly had an opening in their schedule. Instead of just going on a vacation like any sane person would do, we decided to host our own event!

Revise & Resub is an editor-run pitch contest focusing on helping authors get their book ready for querying.

Here's how it works:

Writers will submit their query and first 5 (double-spaced) pages to three editors (and one alternate) of their choice, who will then pick one (or if we're really masochistic, two!) winners. After that, the editors and their chosen authors will get to work on their manuscripts in a month-long editing session. And finally, we will repost the polished submissions for the Showcase.

Schedule for #RevPit 2017:

April 7th: Submission window opens.

The submission window will open at noon EDT on Friday, April 7th, and remain open until 11:59 EDT on Sunday, April 9th.

April 17th: Editor picks announced.

Editor picks will be announced at noon EDT on Wednesday, April 17th. Author–editor teams will begin working on revisions.

May 19th: Editing round ends.

Editors and authors wrap up revisions and submit revised queries and first five pages by midnight EDT on Friday, May 19th.

May 22nd: Revised submissions showcased.

Agent-ready queries and pages will be shared on the #revpit website at noon EDT on Monday, May 22nd.

Check out: Revise & Resub for more details! Hope to see you during the event!

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