Ramkin's Attic in cooperation with Light Up Voices

light up Voices

In cooperation with Ramkin's Attic

What is it?

Ramkin’s Attic is a funds for authors, by authors, intent on eliminating hurdles on the road to self-publishing. We are currently focused on sponsoring editorial costs for marginalized indie authors, since the world needs more diverse storytelling, never less.

Who can apply?

Any marginalized indie author (ex. LGBTQA+, POC, disabled, or other historically marginalized communities) looking for financial aid for editorial services, with the goal of self-publishing their fiction manuscript. The manuscript must be complete before applying.

As the intent is to lessen hurdles, not add to them, Ramkin’s Attic will never demand proof of marginalization, nor economic status. Please apply fairly.

While Ramkin’s Attic hopes to fund more in the future, we are currently able to aid two authors.

What kind of editorial services are currently sponsored?

Ramkin’s Attic is immensely grateful to be partnering with Carly Hayward, who is offering to work with authors via The Glow Package. In this instance, Carly will accept fiction manuscripts that are: Adult or Young Adult Fantasy, Sci-fi, Mystery, or Romance (all sub-genres and cross-genres included therein).

A Glow Package includes a manuscript evaluation that provides you with actionable, in-depth feedback, as well as a second-round review after you implement changes.It will look at story arc, character development, conflict, pacing, voice, plot, consistency, and more! It is the perfect edit for all types of authors because it helps you grow as a writer beyond one manuscript while still improving your piece. This results in a 7- to 15-page evaluation, a follow-up 4- to 6-page critique of your edited manuscript, and a 1-hour coaching call.

Where and when do I apply?

Applications will be open from December 16th, 2024 to February 28th, 2025.

Sign up Here

To apply you’ll need to have the following prepared (asterisk* denotes required):

  • Contact information*
  • Pronouns
  • Social Media Handles
  • Short Bio (including any relevant writing or editorial experience)*
  • Genre and age category of your book*
  • Why would you be a good fit for this program?*
  • What is your book about?*
  • First 10 pages or full manuscript (Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins, double-spaced).*


All information given by the author will be treated as confidential and will not be shared with third parties outside of participating editors. Entries will be decided on in consultation with said editors. Once an author is selected, all communication concerning intellectual property will be strictly confidential between editor and author. Ramkin’s Attic will only be privy to the type of editorial services rendered, plus fees. Ramkin’s Attic, along with participating editors, have no copyright interest in any of the author’s works.

All authors will be notified via email if they will be receiving an edit or not.

All entries will remain anonymous, as we don’t want to out anyone publicly, but you can feel free to talk about it on your own social media.

Sponsoring from Ramkin’s Attic for services rendered will be paid to the editors directly.

Ramkin’s Attic is vehemently opposed to the use of generative AI in art. By applying, the author agrees no generative AI has been, or will be used, on any part of the manuscript, nor its eventual publication.

While Ramkin’s Attic goal is to help more books into the world, there is no imposed deadline as to when the author publishes their manuscript after receiving edits.

While Ramkin’s Attic would appreciate a mention in the Front Matter of any resulting publications, the author is under no obligation to do so.

Contact information

If you have any questions or concerns, please email: ramkins.attic[at]gmail.com

Sign up Here

Find Your Book's Best Friend

"I met Carly the same day I saw Mad Max Fury Road, so she'll forever be linked in my mind to Furiosa—someone you absolutely want on your side! With Carly's guidance, I turned my pretty okay novel into something so much more—something alive. I always felt she loved my characters as much as I did; she simply got what I was trying to do, and helped me do it. I have no doubt that my book (and hopefully the many to come) is vastly improved by her involvement."

-Kim Alexander, International best-selling author of The Demon Door series


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